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In the Dark Times

St. Mary’s Catholic Church

1625 Adams St, Ashland, NE

“In the dark times, Will there also be singing?"

Our final concert of the 2023 season will be a world premier composed by Charlie Leftridge called In the Dark Times, which uses poetry of all Nebraska poets: Ted Koozer, Marjorie Saiser, Clarissa Bucklin, and Mary K. Stillwell.

This collection of songs, specially crafted soprano and string quartet seeks to answer Bertold Brecht's question: "In the dark times, Will there also be singing?"

All Salt Creek Song Festival events are free and open to the public. Reception to follow.

For a more complete look at our events, please check out our 2023 Festival Program.

Many thanks to our sponsors for the evening, Chris Nellis-White with CMG Financial and Alex Nellis-White with Omaha Marriott Regency.

May 27

Pop-up Concert

May 19

That Time of Evening